
Police Officer Retirement or Long Service Recognition Watches

I have designed police watches that can be personalised as special retirement gifts, or as a recognition of long and loyal service, for police officers, policemen, police constables, and those who have made their career working in the police force.

The watches have sold around the world, to police in countries including the UK and Australia.

Below you can see examples of the kind of watches that I have designed which have then been especially personalised by the purchaser for police officers, and presented as gifts and awards to show the appreciation of the local community.

I also have fun Police Gift Mugs in my Etsy Store. Take a look at these examples:

In my Etsy Store I have many more Gifts for Police. Please take a look...


Retirement Gift Watch for a Mariner, Ship's Captain, or Sailing Boat Skipper

I created this watch design as a retirement gift, or a long service award, suitable for the Ship's Captain of a Skipper of a Boat.

The watch can be personalised to feature the name of the recipient as well as the ship or boat's name and dates of service.


Fun Medical T-Shirt Design for a Doctor...

T-Shirt for a Doctor

This fun t-shirt is a perfect gift for a doctor or physician...

Doctor t-shirt. Funny medical cartoon on a t-shirt shows a doctor with stethoscope..
T-Shirt for a Doctor

The shirt features one of my cartoons, framed in a square border, and with the wording, "Trust me I'm a doctor".

Fun and practical, this t-shirt is sure to bring a smile to the face of anyone that sees it.

Medical Gift Items

This shirt is not available in any shops, and can only be bought from my Zazzle Store.

You can see some images of colour variations on this page of my website.

You can buy this shirt in various sizes and colours here...

Medical Department
Medical Department

Did you know, I also draw original cartoons for health bodies and institutions? See examples of my NHS Cartoons on my website HERE


Lots of Gift Ideas that can be Personalised...

Looking for something personal to by that special someone?

I've designed a number of gift ideas that you can adjust to include the name of the recipient!

Here is just one example...

Recipe book to personalise with your own choice of name
Recipe Book that can be personalised

See many more products that can be personalised in my Zazzle stores...


Art Teacher Long Service Award Gift Presentation Watch

Gift for an Art Teacher

I designed this gift watch for the Art Teacher who is Retiring, or a gift to recognise an Art Teacher's Long Service. 

The watch is entirely customisable so that you can add the name and other details that are relevant to the recipient.

There are watches and other gift items for all kinds of professions and trades.