
Evernote is Perfect for Archiving a Record of your Cartoon Collection

If, like me, you create a huge number of cartoon gags over the years, this article could be of special help to you.

Like you, I ended up with numerous cartoon stored in various folders on my computer disks. Here's how I managed to create a handy searchable database using Evernote.

Creating a Note & Cartoon Database in Evernote...

If you haven't already, sign up to Evernote. You can use the free version, which is pretty powerful in itself. Link to Evernote...

Create a new note. (Click on the + sign in the green circle, as shown in the screenshot below.)

A screenshot of the New Note creation page

Give a title for the cartoon illustration you want to file.

If you have an item, or a collection, on a Print on Demand site, such as Zazzle, you can paste the link, or simply add some notes as text.

Add your image. Evernote lets you browse and select the image from your computer.

Finally, add relevant tags for the image. This will be so useful for when you want to search in the future.
Add tags to your note

That's it - You've successfully added a cartoon your Evernote database!

There is so much more you can do - such as create numerous "notebooks", each with a different subject or theme. Now you can categorise the notes you create appropriately.

Using Your Evernotes to Create a Blog...

Yes - you can create a simple Blog using your Evernote entries! This is made possible by the elegant

It is simple to set up. See an example of this in action on my own Blog. I hope you like it, and have found this useful.

Shop & Create on Zazzle

See more of my cartoons at

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